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How to Add Meta Tags in WordPress Without Plugin

How to Add Meta Tags in WordPress Without Plugin

How to Add Meta Tags in WordPress Without Plugin

In order to add meta tags in WordPress without a plugin, you will need to access your theme’s header.php file.

  • In your WordPress dashboard, go to the editor for the page or post you want to add meta tags to

  • Find the tag at the top of the document and paste your meta tag code just below it

  • If you’re adding multiple meta tags, be sure to separate each one with its own set of opening and closing tags

  • Save your changes and preview your page or post to make sure everything looks good

How Do I Manually Add a Meta Tag in WordPress?

Assuming you would like instructions on how to add a meta tag in the header.php file of your WordPress site:

 1. Log in to the backend of your WordPress site (where you make posts and pages).

 2. Navigate to Appearance > Editor.

3. On the right hand side, look for the Theme Files heading and click Header (header.php).

 4. Find the spot just below the tag where you want to insert your meta tag, and type or paste in the following code, replacing “Your Meta Tag Here” with whatever tags you want

How Do I Add Meta Descriptions in WordPress Without Plugins?

Adding a meta description to your WordPress site is important because it helps improve your SEO and can result in more traffic to your site.

There are a few ways to add a meta description without using plugins. One way is to edit the code in your theme’s header.php file.

Look for the tag that says “” and then add this code underneath it:

> ‘; // Outputs the custom field value wrapped in tags for use on the front end – change as needed/desired

} elseif(is_home()) { // If we are on the blog index page (could be any page type) echo $blogdesc=’‘; // Replace this line with whatever you want describing your blog

How to Add Meta Tags in WordPress Without Plugin

How Do I Add Meta Tags to My WordPress Page?

If you want to add meta tags to your WordPress page, there are a few different ways that you can do this.

One way is to install a plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack. These plugins will allow you to add meta tags to your pages and posts easily.

Another way to add meta tags is by editing your theme’s header.php file. You can add the following code to your header.php file:

Of course, you would need to replace the placeholder text with your own keywords, description and author information.

Once you have added this code to your header.php file, save it and upload it back to your server. Your meta tags should now be visible on your WordPress site!

How Do I Add a Meta Tag to Facebook in WordPress?

Adding a meta tag to Facebook in WordPress is a two-step process. First, you need to add the following code to your header.php file:

Replace {your_facebook_id} with your actual Facebook ID. This will tell Facebook that you are the admin of this page and will give you access to certain features, such as being able to moderate comments.

The second step is to add the following code to your functions.php file:

add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘add_fbMeta’ ); function add_fbMeta() { if (is_singular()) { global $post; echo ‘‘.”n”; echo ‘‘.”n”; echo ‘‘.

“n”; echo ‘ Be sure to replace “your keywords here” with your actual keywords, and “your description here” with your actual description.

You can also add other meta tags such as “author” or “copyright”, but these two are the most important for SEO purposes.

Hope this post helps you to generate idea about How to Add Meta Tags in WordPress Without Plugin, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about How to Make a WordPress Website With Gutenberg
