How to Add Og Tags in WordPress Without Plugin

How to Add Og Tags in WordPress Without Plugin

Adding OG tags to your WordPress site is easy and can be done without a plugin. Simply edit your header.php file and add the following code to the section:

Replace “Your Title Here,” “Your Image URL Here,” etc. with the appropriate values for your website.

Once you save your header.php file, you should start seeing OG tags on your website.

  • Log in to your WordPress site and go to the editor for the page or post you want to add OG tags to
  • In the editor, find the area where you can enter the code for your head tags
  • This is usually at the top of the editor, before any content has been entered

Copy and paste the following code into that area:

How Do I Add Og Tags to WordPress?

Open Graph protocol (OG) tags are a type of HTML tag that allows social media platforms to understand the content on a website and provide a rich, engaging preview when users share links.

Adding OG tags to WordPress is simple with the right plugin. We recommend using the Yoast SEO plugin, which is available for free from the WordPress plugin repository.

Once installed and activated, you’ll find an OpenGraph tab under the SEO menu in your WordPress dashboard.

From here, you can add OG tags for the home page, as well as individual posts and pages. For each piece of content, you’ll need to specify a title, description, and image.

Yoast will then generate the necessary OG tags and insert them into your website’s code automatically.

Keep in mind that social media platforms have their own algorithms for determining what content to show when users share links.

As such, it’s important to fill out your OG tags carefully and make sure they accurately reflect the content on your site.

How Do I Add Meta Tags to WordPress Without Plugins?

Adding meta tags to WordPress without plugins is a fairly easy process. You can do it by adding a few lines of code to your header.php file or using a custom functions plugin.

First, you need to open your header.php file and locate the tag.

Within the tag, you will add the following code:

Save your changes and upload the file to your server. That’s it!

You have now successfully added Meta tags to your WordPress site without using any plugins.

How Do I Manually Add a Meta Tag in WordPress?

How Do I Manually Add a Meta Tag in WordPress?

Assuming you would like instructions on how to add a meta tag in the header.php file of your WordPress site:

1. Log in to your WordPress site and go to Appearance > Editor.

2. On the right hand side, you will see a list of files that make up your theme.

Find and click on the Header (header.php)file.

3. Once the header file is open, locate the tag near the top of the document and insert your meta tag code just below it.

Where Do I Put Meta Tags in WordPress?

If you’re using a self-hosted WordPress site, you can add custom meta tags to your website without having to edit any code.

There are a few plugins that will allow you to do this, but we recommend using the SEO by Yoast plugin. Once you’ve installed and activated the plugin, go to SEO > Titles & Metas in your WordPress dashboard.

In the General tab, you’ll see an area where you can add custom meta tags. Simply add your desired tag(s) in the appropriate field(s). If you want to add multiple tags, be sure to separate them with commas.

Once you’ve added your custom meta tags, be sure to click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page. That’s it! Your new meta tags will now be visible on your website.

How to Add Keywords in WordPress Without Plugins

How to Add Keywords in WordPress Without Plugins

Assuming you have a WordPress site and want to add keywords without using plugins, here are a few methods you can use. 

1. Use the Tags Feature One way to add keywords to your WordPress site is by using the tags feature.

This can be found in the post editor under the “Tags” section. Here, you can type in relevant keywords or phrases for your post and separate them with commas.

These keywords will then be automatically added as tags to your post.

2. Insert Keywords Manually into the Code If you’re comfortable working with code, you can manually insert keywords into your WordPress site’s code.

To do this, you need to edit the header.php file of your theme and find the tag labeled within it .

Underneath this tag, you can insert any desired keyword or phrase like so: . Keep in mind that each keyword should be enclosed within quotation marks and separated by commas.

Once you save your changes and refresh your page, these keywords should now appear throughout your site (e.g., in the title tag and meta description).

3. Use a SEO Plugin (if Desired) While there are some negatives that come along with using plugins (e.g., they can slow down your website), there are also many benefits – especially when it comes to SEO-related tasks such as adding keywords to your website .

If you decide that using a plugin is right for you, there are plenty of great options available for free or at a reasonable cost .

Some popular SEO plugins include Yoast SEO , All in One SEO Pack , and SEOPress .

Hope this post helps you to generate idea about How to Add Og Tags in WordPress Without Plugin, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about How to Set a Default Theme in WordPress


If you want your WordPress site to show up in Google search results with rich snippets, you need to add Open Graph (OG) tags.

These tags provide information about your page that social media sites can use when they share links to your content. Adding OG tags to your WordPress site is easy, even if you don’t know any coding.

There are plugins that will do it for you, but if you want to keep things light and fast, you can add the tags yourself without a plugin. Here’s how: First, open the header.php file of your theme in a text editor.

If you’re not sure how to do this, check out the documentation for your theme or ask someone who knows more about coding than you do.

Once the header.php file is open, look for the tag near the top of the file. If there’s already some code inside the tag, that’s fine – just add your OG tags underneath it.

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