How to have text scroll past a picture in gutenberg wordpress website

How to have text scroll past a picture in gutenberg wordpress website

Gutenberg is a revolutionary new way of creating content for WordPress websites. It allows users to create stunning layouts and add text, images, and other elements to their pages with just a few clicks. One of the most popular features of Gutenberg is the ability to have text scroll past a picture. This can be a great way to add visual interest to your website and draw attention to certain areas of your page.

In order to have text scroll past a picture in Gutenberg, you will need to add a block to your page. Blocks are the building blocks of Gutenberg and allow you to add different types of content to your page. To add a block, simply click the “+” icon in the upper-right corner of your page. From the drop-down menu, select the “Cover” option.

Once you have added the Cover block, you can upload an image to it. To do this, click on the “Upload” button located just below the image placeholder. Then, you can either drag and drop an image into the block, or select one from your computer.

Once you have added the image to the block, you will need to add the text that will scroll past it. To do this, click the “+” icon again, and this time select the “Paragraph” block. This will add a blank text box to your page, which you can use to type in the text that you want to scroll past the image.

After adding the text, you can adjust the settings for the block to have the text scroll past the image. To do this, click on the “Settings” icon located in the upper-right corner of the block. This will open up a sidebar with a number of options. Here, you can select the “Scroll” option and click the “Save” button.

Now, the text will scroll past the image on your page. You can also adjust the speed of the scroll by clicking the “Speed” option in the sidebar. You can choose from a variety of speeds to make the scroll just right for your page.

Having text scroll past a picture in Gutenberg is a great way to add visual interest to your page and draw attention to certain areas of your page. With just a few clicks, you can create stunning layouts and add text, images, and other elements to your page. So, if you want to add an extra layer of interest to your page, try adding text that scrolls past a picture.

Benefit of text scroll past a picture in gutenberg wordpress website

Gutenberg is a revolutionary WordPress website builder that has changed the way people create and manage websites. One of the most useful features of Gutenberg is the ability to scroll through text past a picture. This feature offers a number of benefits, from increasing web page speed to improving user experience.

First and foremost, using text scrolling past a picture in Gutenberg helps to speed up web page loading times. When a user visits a website, they are often faced with a long list of images or a single large image. This can take a long time to load, resulting in slower page loading times. By allowing users to scroll through text past a picture, the web page loading time can be significantly reduced. This is because the text is loaded quickly and the user can move through the information they need without having to wait for the large image to load.

Another benefit of using text scrolling past a picture in Gutenberg is that it allows for more efficient navigation. Instead of having to scroll through a long list of images, users can quickly scroll through the text and find the information they need. This provides an easier and more efficient way for users to find the information they are looking for. 

In addition, text scrolling past a picture also helps to improve user experience. When a user is presented with a large image, they may be overwhelmed by the amount of information they have to take in. By allowing them to scroll through the text, they can take in the information at their own pace. This helps to ensure that the user has a more positive experience with the website.


Finally, using text scrolling past a picture can also help to improve the look and feel of a website. By using text instead of images, the website can appear more organized and professional. This can help to create a more appealing and user-friendly experience for visitors.

Overall, using text scrolling past a picture in Guttenberg can provide a number of benefits. It can help to speed up web page loading times, improve navigation, and create a more user-friendly experience. In addition, it can also help to make the website appear more organized and professional. For these reasons, it is a useful feature to consider when creating a website with Gutenberg.
