How to Make a Menu Item Not Clickable in WordPress

How to Make a Menu Item Not Clickable in WordPress

If you want to make a menu item not clickable in WordPress, there are two ways to do it. The first way is to simply remove the URL from the menu item, leaving the URL field blank.

The second way is to add a # symbol as the URL.

  • Go to your WordPress backend and navigate to the Menus section
  • Find the menu item you want to make not clickable in the list of menu items and click on the arrow next to it to expand its options
  • In the Link field, delete the URL so that it is blank
  • Save your changes to the menu

How Do I Make a Non-Clickable Menu in WordPress?

If you want to make a menu in WordPress that cannot be clicked, you need to use the “noclick” CSS class. This class can be applied to any element, and will make it non-clickable. To apply the noclick class to a menu item, simply edit the menu item and add the noclick class to the CSS Classes field.

How Do I Make a Menu Button Unclickable?

How to Make a Menu Item Not Clickable in WordPress

There are a few different ways that you can make a menu button unclickable. One way is to use the disabled attribute on the button element. This will prevent the button from being clicked and will also gray out the button so that it appears to be unclickable. Another way to make a menu button unclickable is to add an event listener for the click event and then call the prevent Default() method.

This will again prevent the button from being clicked, but it won’t change the appearance of the button. Finally, you could simply remove the href attribute from the button element. This would make clicking on the button do nothing since there is no longer any link associated with it.

How Do I Disable the Top Menu Item Link?

If you want to disable the top menu item link in your WordPress site, there are two ways to do it. The first way is by using a plugin.

There are many plugins available that can help you disable links in your WordPress menus.

One such plugin is called “Disable Links.” Once installed and activated, this plugin will give you a new setting under “Settings > Disable Links” where you can select which menu items you want to disable the links for. Simply check the box next to the menu item(s) you want to affect, and then save your changes. The links for those menu items will now be disabled. The second way to disable links in your WordPress menus is by adding some code to your site.

This method requires a bit more technical knowledge, but it can be done without installing any plugins. Simply add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function my_menu_notlink($atts, $item, $args) { if (is_array($args->theme_location)) 

foreach ($args->theme_location as $key => $value) { if(in_array(“top”,$value)){ // we’re on the right location return false; // this disables linking

} } } else if($args->theme_location == “top”);

How Do I Remove a Link from My Menu?

Assuming you are using WordPress, there are a few ways to remove links from your menu. One way is to simply delete the link from the menu.

To do this, go to Appearance > Menus and click on the “Links” tab.

From here, you can delete any links that you don’t want in your menu. Another way to remove links from your menu is to use the “Exclude” feature. This allows you to exclude specific pages or posts from your menu. To use this feature, go to Appearance > Menus and click on the “Screen Options” tab at the top of the page. Then, check the box next to “Exclude.”

This will add a new field where you can enter the IDs of any pages or posts that you want to exclude from your menu. If you want more control over which links appear in your menu, you can use a plugin like Menu Items Visibility Control. This plugin allows you to specify which user roles can see each link in your menu. For example, you could create a link that only logged-in users can see. Or, you could create a link that only administrators can see.

How to Make Parent Menu Clickable in WordPress

If you want to make your parent menu items clickable in WordPress, there are a few things you can do. First, you can go to the Appearance > Menus page and check the box next to “Primary Menu.”

This will allow you to edit the primary menu and add links to each of the top-level pages. Another option is to install a plugin like Page Links To or Menu Item Options. These plugins will give you more control over what happens when someone clicks on a menu item. For example, with Page Links To you can set it so that clicking on a parent page takes the visitor to a specific child page.

Making parent menu items clickable is a great way to improve the navigation of your website. It makes it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for and helps reduce confusion. If you have a lot of pages on your site, this can be especially helpful. Give it a try on your own site and see how it works for you!

Hope this post helps you to generate ideas about How to Make a Menu Item Not Clickable in WordPress, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about How to Make WordPress Theme Look Like Demo


If you want to make a menu item not clickable in WordPress, there are two easy ways to do it. The first way is to simply add a “#” symbol to the end of the URL for that menu item. This will tell WordPress that the link should not be followed and thus, the menu item will not be clickable. The second way to make a menu item not clickable is to add a “noclick” CSS class to that menu item. This can be done by editing the source code for your theme or by using a plugin like Simple Custom CSS. Once you have added the “noclick” class, simply add this CSS rule:

a.noclick {pointer-events: none;} This will prevent the link from being clicked and make the menu item not clickable.

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