How to Make WordPress Theme Look Like Demo

How to Make WordPress Theme Look Like Demo

To make your WordPress theme look like the demo, you will need to install and activate the theme.

Once the theme is activated, you will need to go to the Appearance > Themes page and click on the Activate button for the theme.

After that, you can start customizing your site with the WordPress Customizer.

  • First, you will need to download and install the WordPress platform if you haven’t already done so
  • Next, locate a WordPress theme that closely resembles the look and feel of the demo site that you wish to create
  • Once you have found an appropriate theme, download it and save it to your computer
  • Next, log in to your WordPress account and navigate to the Appearance tab > Themes sub-tab
  • Click on the “Add New” button located at the top of this page
  • Upload the zipped file containing your chosen theme onto your WordPress site by clicking on the “Upload Theme” button located at the top of this page

If successful, you will see a confirmation message appear near the top of the screen letting you know that your theme has been installed successfully

How Do I Add Demo Content to My WordPress Theme?

Adding demo content to your WordPress theme is a great way to get started with your new site.

Demo content can help you learn how to use the theme, and it can also give you a starting point for creating your own content.

To add demo content to your WordPress theme, first download the theme from its developer’s website.

How to Make WordPress Theme Look Like Demo

Next, unzip the file and upload the contents of the “demo” folder to your WordPress installation’s “wp-content/themes” directory.

Finally, activate the theme through the “Appearance” menu in your WordPress administration panel.

Once the theme is activated, you should see a message asking if you would like to install the required plugins for the theme.

Install and activate these plugins, and then return to the Appearance menu. Underneath the installed themes, there should now be an option to import demo content.

Select this option, and choose which types of content you would like to import. WordPress will now create all of the necessary pages and posts, as well as any Widgets or Menus that are included in the selected demos.

Can You Preview Themes on WordPress?

When you log into your WordPress account, you will be able to see all of the different themes that are available for you to use.

You can preview any of these themes by clicking on the “Preview” button. This will allow you to see how the theme will look on your website without actually activating it.

Why Does My WordPress Site Not Look Like the Theme?

There are a few reasons why your WordPress site may not look like the theme. The most common reason is that you have not installed the required plugins.

Another possibility is that you have not activated the theme.

Finally, it is also possible that your WordPress installation is corrupt or incomplete.

WordPress Theme Not Displaying Like Demo

WordPress Theme Not Displaying Like Demo

If you’re having trouble getting your WordPress theme to look like the demo, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure you’ve installed and activated the theme.

If that doesn’t work, try resetting your browser cache. If that doesn’t help, try deactivating all of your plugins and switching to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Seventeen.

If none of those solutions work, reach out to the theme developer for support.

Hope this post helps you to generate idea about How to Make WordPress Theme Look Like Demo, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about How to Generate Leads for Web Design Business


If you’ve ever installed a WordPress theme, you know that figuring out how to make it look like the demo can be a frustrating process.

In this post, we’ll show you how to make your WordPress theme look like the demo in just a few clicks. First, you’ll need to install the theme on your WordPress site.

To do this, log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Themes. Click on the “Add New” button and upload the ZIP file for your theme.

Once the theme is installed, activate it by clicking on the “Activate” button.

Next, you’ll need to install and activate the WP Theme Demo Import plugin. This plugin will help you import all of the content from the demo site so that your site looks exactly like the demo.

To use this plugin, navigate to Tools > Import in your WordPress dashboard.

On the next screen, click on “WordPress” under “Choose what to import.” Now, select all of the content that you want to import from the demo site and click on “Import.” The plugin will take care of importing all of the content for you.

Once it’s finished, take a look around your site to make sure everything looks right. And that’s it! You’ve successfully made your WordPress theme look like its demo counterpart.

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