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How to Add Schema Markup to WordPress Without Plugin

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How to Add Schema Markup to WordPress Without Plugin

Schema markup is a code that helps search engines understand the content on your website.

It can be added to any website, but it’s especially important for WordPress sites because they are often dynamic and have lots of different content types.

There are two ways to add schema markup to WordPress: through a plugin or by manually adding the code to your site.

If you’re not comfortable with code, then using a plugin is the best option. There are many plugins available that will help you add schema markup to your site without having to edit any code.

If you’re comfortable with code, then you can add schema markup to your WordPress site by editing your theme’s template files.

You’ll need to add the code to each of the templates where you want the schema markup to appear.

This method requires more work, but it gives you more control over where and how the schema markup appears on your site.

  • Adding schema markup to WordPress without a plugin is fairly simple

  • You just need to edit your theme’s header

  • php file and add the appropriate code in the section

  • Login to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Appearance > Editor

  • On the right hand side, you will see a list of files that make up your theme

  • Find and click on header

  • php to open it in the editor

  • In header

  • pup, locate the section and paste your schema code just below it

How Do I Manually Add a Schema Markup in WordPress?

If you want to add schema markup to your WordPress site, there are a few different ways you can do it. One way is to install and activate the Schema Plugin.

This plugin automatically adds schema markup to your content without you having to do anything.

How Do I Manually Add a Schema Markup in WordPress?

Another way is to manually add the markup yourself. You can do this by adding the relevant code in the header or footer of your theme.

If you’re not comfortable with code, then the best way to add schema markup is by using a WordPress plugin like WP Rich Snippets.

How Do I Add a Schema in WordPress Without Plugins?

If you want to add schema markup to your WordPress site without using a plugin, you can do so by editing your theme’s functions.php file.

To do this, simply add the following code to your functions.php file: function my_schema_markup() {

How Do I Add a Schema in WordPress Without Plugins?

This plugin lets you easily add schema markup to your content without having to write any code.

Hope this post helps you to generate idea about How to Add Schema Markup to WordPress Without Plugin, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about How Do I Add an Image to WordPress Gutenberg
