How to Transfer My Domain from WordPress to Squarespace

How to Transfer My Domain from WordPress to Squarespace

If you want to transfer your domain from WordPress to Squarespace, you can do so by following these steps: 

1. Log in to your WordPress account and go to the dashboard. 

2. Click on the “Settings” tab and then select “Domain Management.”

3. Under “Domain Management,” click on the link that says “Transfer Domain.” 

4. Enter the domain name that you want to transfer in the box provided and click on the “Check Availability” button. 

5. If your domain is available for transfer, follow the instructions on the screen to initiate the transfer process.

  • Log into your WordPress account and go to the Store > My Domains page
  • Find the domain you want to transfer and click the Transfer button next to it
  • On the next page, select Squarespace as your new registrar from the drop-down menu and click the Transfer button again
  • Enter your Squarespace login credentials on the next page and click the Proceed with Transfer button
  • On the final confirmation page, review your domain transfer details and click the Confirm Transfer button to initiate the transfer process

Can I Move My Domain Name from WordPress to Squarespace?

Yes, you can move your domain name from WordPress to Squarespace. Here are the steps: 

1. Log into your WordPress account and go to the Settings tab.

2. Under General Settings, click on the button that says “Change” next to your domain name. 

3. A pop-up will appear asking you to enter the new domain name that you want to use for your website. Enter the new domain name and click on the “Update Domain” button.

4. Once the process is complete, log into your Squarespace account and go to the Settings tab.

5. Under Domains, click on “Add a Domain.”

6. Enter the new domain name that you just updated in WordPress and click on the “Add Domain” button.

How Do I Transfer My Domain Name to Squarespace?

If you’re looking to transfer your domain name to Squarespace, the process is pretty simple. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of transferring your domain to Squarespace.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that you can only transfer a domain to Squarespace if the domain is registered with one of our supported providers.

A complete list of these providers can be found here.

If your domain is registered with a provider not on this list, you’ll need to first transfer your domain registration to one of our supported providers before proceeding with the rest of this guide.

For more information on how to do this, please contact your current registrar.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get started! The first step in transferring your domain to Squarespace is initiating the transfer from your current registrar.

This will generate an email containing a unique authorization code that will be sent to the administrative contact for the domain (listed in whois).

Once you receive this email, forward it to us at and we’ll take care of the rest!

Can You Integrate WordPress into Squarespace?

If you’re using Squarespace as your website builder, you might be wondering if it’s possible to integrate WordPress into the platform.

The short answer is yes, but it’s not a straightforward process. In this article, we’ll walk you through how to integrate WordPress into Squarespace step by step.

First, you’ll need to create a subdomain on your Squarespace domain. For example, if your Squarespace domain isexample.

com, your WordPress subdomain could be

Once you’ve created the subdomain, you can install WordPress on it using our one-click installer.

Once WordPress is installed, you’ll need to configure it to work with your Squarespace site.

First, you’ll need to edit your wp-config.php file and add the following lines:



Next, you’ll need to go to Settings > General in your WordPress dashboard and update the WordPress Address and Site Address fields to match the values you defined in wp-config.php (http://wordpress .example .com).

Now that WordPress is configured, you can start creating content! Any posts or pages you create will show up on your Squarespace site automatically via an RSS feed import (which we’ll cover next).

To set up the RSS feed import:

1) Go to Configure > Feeds in your Squarespace account; then click + Add Feed;

2) Enter the URL of your WP RSS feed – this should be something like http://wordpress;

3) Select which collection on your site should receive imported items from the feed;

4) Click Save & Sync Now;

5) That’s it!

How Do I Export My Domain from WordPress?

If you want to move your WordPress site to a new host, or if you want to take your site offline for development purposes, you can export your domain from WordPress.

Here’s how: 

1. Log in to your WordPress account and go to the Dashboard.

2. In the left-hand sidebar, hover over Tools and click on Export. 

3. On the next page, click on Export All Content. 

4. A pop-up window will appear asking you where you want to save the exported file. Choose a location on your computer and click Save File. 

5. Once the file has been downloaded, you can then upload it to your new host or import it into a local development environment.

Transfer Domain from WordPress to Wix

As you may already know, Wix is a website builder that allows you to create a website from scratch without any coding knowledge.

It’s simple to use and has plenty of features to make your website look great. One thing you may not know is that you can actually transfer your domain from WordPress to Wix.

This means that if you have an existing WordPress site, you can move it over to Wix without losing your domain name or having to set up a new one.

So how do you transfer your domain from WordPress to Wix? We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step so that you can get started on creating your new Wix site today.

First, log in to your WordPress account and go to the left-hand sidebar. Click on “My Sites” and then select “Domain Management” under the Settings section.

On the Domain Management page, scroll down until you see the option to Transfer Domain To Another Host.

Click on this button and enter your domain name when prompted. Now, go to and create an account (if you don’t already have one).

Once you’re logged in, click on “Add New Site” in the top right-hand corner and choose whether you want a blank template or one of their premade designs.

After choosing your template, enter your transferred domain name into the box where it says “Choose Your Domain” and select continue.

On the next page, select which planyou want (there are both free and paid options) and then click Continue again.

You will be asked to provide some personal information such as your name and address as well as payment information if you selected a paid plan.

Once all this is entered, agree to the Terms of Service and hit publish! And that’s it Your WordPress site is now officially transferred over to Wix!

Hope this post helps you to generate idea about How to Transfer My Domain from WordPress to Squarespace, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about What Does a Web Designer Do on a Daily Basis


If you’re looking to transfer your domain from WordPress to Squarespace, there are just a few simple steps you need to follow.

First, log into your WordPress account and go to the Settings section. From there, select Domains and then click on the Transfer Domain button.

Enter your domain name in the box provided and select Squarespace as your new host. You’ll then be prompted to enter your Squarespace login information.

Once you’ve done that, click on the Transfer Domain button again and confirm the transfer.

That’s it! Your domain will now be transferred over to Squarespace and you can begin building your new site.
