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How to Set a Default Theme in WordPress

How to Set a Default Theme in WordPress

How to Set a Default Theme in WordPress

There are a few steps you need to follow in order to set a default theme in WordPress. The first step is to login to your WordPress account.

Once you are logged in, navigate to the Appearance tab on the left-hand side of the Dashboard.

In the Appearance tab, click on Themes. On the Themes page, you will see a list of all the themes that are installed on your WordPress site.

To set a theme as the default theme, hover over the theme and click on the Activate button.

  • Log in to your WordPress account and go to the dashboard
  • In the left-hand sidebar, hover over Appearance and click on Themes
  • On the Themes page, you’ll see a list of all the available themes
  • To set a theme as the default, simply hover over it and click on the Activate button
  • Once you’ve activated your desired theme, any new posts or pages that you create will use that theme by default

However, you can always override the default theme for individual pieces of content by selecting a different theme from the drop-down menu on each post or page edit screen

How Do I Set Up a Default Theme in WordPress?

Assuming you would like a step by step guide on how to set up a theme as the default in WordPress: 

How Do I Set Up a Default Theme in WordPress?

1. To change the default theme, log in to your WordPress administration panel and go to Appearance > Themes. 

2. In the Themes screen, hover over the thumbnail of the theme you wish to make your new default theme and click the Activate button that appears.

3. Your new default theme will now be activated!

How Do I Set a Default Theme?

Assuming you would like to set a theme for your WordPress site: 

How to Set a Default Theme in WordPress

1. Log in to the WordPress Dashboard. 

2. In the left sidebar, hover over Appearance and click Themes.

3. On the Themes page, locate the theme you want to use as your default theme and click Activate.

What is the Default Theme for WordPress?

The default theme for WordPress is the Twenty Seventeen theme. This theme was released on December 6, 2016, and it is the most recent default theme.

It is a modern, responsive theme that is perfect for businesses or personal websites.

It includes features like a front page with a customizable banner, an about section, and social media icons. The default color scheme is black and white, but you can change it to any color you want.

How Do I Change the Default Theme Image in WordPress?

If you’re looking to change the default theme image in WordPress, it’s actually quite easy. The first thing you need to do is find the image you want to use as your new default theme image.

Once you have that, all you need to do is go to your WordPress admin panel and click on “Appearance.”

From there, click on “Editor.” Once you’re in the editor, look for the file called “default-image.php.” You’ll want to open that up and replace the code that’s currently there with the code for your new default image.

Save your changes and then upload the new image to your server. That’s it! Your new default theme image will now be live on your site.

WordPress Change Default Theme in Database

If you’re a developer, sooner or later you’re going to need to change the default WordPress theme in the database.

This is usually because you’re developing a new theme and want to test it out without affecting the live site. Or, maybe you just want to try a different theme for awhile.

Whatever the reason, it’s easy to do. Here’s how: 

1. Log into your phpMyAdmin and select your WordPress database.

2. Click on the wp_options table. 

3. In the option_name column, find the row with template . 

4. In the option_value column for that row, change the value from whatever it is to your new theme’s folder name .

For example, if your new theme is located in /wp-content/themes/mytheme/, then you would change the value to mytheme .

Hope this post helps you to generate idea about How to Set a Default Theme in WordPress, you may also like our Gutenberg tutorial here Gutenberg, Learn More about How to Show Web Design in a Portfolio


If you’re running a WordPress site, chances are you’ve got multiple themes installed. Maybe you’ve got a theme for your blog and a separate theme for your static pages.

Or maybe you’ve just got a bunch of different themes that you like to use for different purposes.

Regardless of the situation, there may be times when you want to set a default theme – meaning, the theme that will be used automatically whenever someone visits your site.

Fortunately, setting a default theme in WordPress is pretty easy. Just follow these simple steps:

Log into your WordPress dashboard and go to the Themes section. Under the Currently Active Theme box, click on the link labeled “Set as Default.” That’s it!

Your new default theme will now be listed first under the Available Themes section.

Of course, if you ever want to change your default theme back to something else (or even deactivate it altogether), simply follow these same steps and select a different theme from the list.
